• The ranges have been extremely busy with all of the new members which have been recently signed up.
  • We have found empty unshot beer cans on the ranges.
  • We really enjoyed the first aid course which we attended last month. It was very informative and interesting and customized for the incidents which could possibly happen on the ranges. Thanks Hardy for arranging this.
  • We have had a number of incidents where the range lockdown did not work but Erling has worked on this and hopefully this will not be happening as much in the future.
  • Had an incident where the building alarm went off and in the confusion when the rental agency turned it off the front door panic hardware and lock was damaged. We were on holidays at the time and Clyde McLeod (our relief) stepped in and worked hard to get the door lock working so that the building could be secured. Thanks Clyde for your hard work!!!!
  • We have been trying to get more of the DLead hand soap (the pink one) that is in the building washrooms and Shooting Edge in Calgary has none in stock at this time. They have placed an order for us so it will be here as soon as they can get it.
  • We finally located a source for red/green lights for the ranges and just received them so now there should be no burnt out red light bulbs on the ranges.
  • Please shut out ALL LIGHTS when you are the last one to leave the outdoor ranges.
  • Sterling Cross picked up all of the brass this week
  • Both sets of stairs, landings and railings at the modular need replacing. They are 13 years old and we have painted them three times since we have been here but they are now too rotten so we will build new replacements as that is what Dave used to do. The deck that our hot tub is on has some structural problems as the  decking is sagging where the hot tub was sitting. We think that a stringer has broken so will fix this also.
  • We have been busy with lawn mowing, picking up shotgun shells, weedeating and roundup of weeds in gravel areas.
  • Cleaning building and building maintenance.
  • We also will get a roofing company to look at the modular roof due to its age to prevent any possible leaks through the rainy season.
  • The former lawn area between the new flower beds and the range 2 shooting shed needs to be levelled and seeded with new lawn seed due to the rock work and the excavation by the lighting company who put in the poles for range 2 lighting.New crushed gravel needs to be put on the walkway from range 3 to the grassy area by range 2.