Steel Challenge is a pistol shooting Action Match competition shot from a stationary position at five static steel plates per stage. Competitors shoot each of the eight stages five times and add their best four times to become their stage score. The lowest score is the winner. The eight stages shot in the Steel Challenge match are Accelerator, Five to Go, Outer Limits, Pendulum, Roundabout, Showdown, Smoke & Hope and Speed Option. Each stage is unique in its design and offers a different challenge to the shooter.

Steel shooting offers a port of entry to the pistol shooting sports and is an excellent starting place for young or beginner shooters. It also provides a ‘soft’ way for those who have begun to suffer the problems associated with aging to remain involved in the shooting sports. All this provides an alternative for those who might otherwise be lost to shooting. Regardless of your shooting background or skill level, all shooters walk away smiling after shooting Steel Challenge. This competition is a level playing field for shooters of all backgrounds.

Competitors are scored based solely on the time it takes them to shoot each stage. The last target that is shot is known as the “stop plate”, which stops the timer. All primary target hits made after the stop plate has been struck, will be scored with a 3 second penalty each. The maximum time permitted for a run is 30 seconds and a competitor will be stopped and asked to reload if they reach the 30 second limit. Each competitor shoots each stage five times, with their slowest run dropped, excluding the stage Outer Limits where only four runs are shot and the top three counted. The competitor’s best four out of five runs are totaled for their stage score and the eight stage scores are added together to establish the competitor’s match score. The winner is the competitor with the lowest overall time.


Steel Challenge Report June 2024

Nights have really picked up recently with 2 weeks with full houses, 15-16 shooters. We will be putting together a buy of some more props for the club as well as a couple new tablets and timers. If you have a rimfire rifle, pistol, or centerfire pistol or PCC, with iron sights or optics, come [...]

By |2024-06-07T08:12:47-07:00June 7th, 2024|Steel Challenge|0 Comments

Steel Challenge’s Report May 2, 2024

Nights have been going well, still needing to use the heaters though, as it’s been dropping down to single digits every week. If you have a rimfire rifle, pistol, or centerfire pistol or PCC, with iron sights or optics, come on out and play! Holsters are not needed and if you have any questions [...]

By |2024-05-02T20:00:28-07:00May 2nd, 2024|Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Steel Challenge’s Report May 2, 2024

Steel Challenge’s Report April 2024 

Things have been going really well, good attendance, lots of fun being had, new shooters and simply a great time. Learning to shoot Steel Challenge couldn’t be easier, so come on out and we can show you the ropes! If you have a rimfire rifle, pistol, or centerfire pistol or PCC, with iron sights [...]

By |2024-04-05T08:24:41-07:00April 5th, 2024|Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Steel Challenge’s Report April 2024 

Steel Challenge Report March 2024             

We had to cancel a couple nights due to weather again, but on the rest of the nights we’ve had a great turnout. We are still seeing some new shooters show up, which is great! Plus some very cool looking guns are being showcased, which is awesome. If you have a rimfire rifle, pistol, or [...]

By |2024-03-15T08:22:20-07:00March 15th, 2024|Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Steel Challenge Report March 2024             

Steel Challenge Report February 2024         

We had to cancel a couple nights due to weather, but on the rest of the nights we’ve had a great turnout. A bunch of new shooters, including brand new, never even shot before, have attended and by the end of the night looked like regulars! Great times. If you have a rimfire rifle, pistol, [...]

By |2024-02-02T08:42:05-08:00February 2nd, 2024|Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Steel Challenge Report February 2024         

Steel Challenge Report January 2024

We’ve had a great group of cold braving shooters this last month and into the new year, the new doors make it so much nicer to shoot on Tuesdays. If you have a rimfire rifle, pistol, or centerfire pistol or PCC, with iron sights or optics, come on out and play! Holsters are not needed [...]

By |2024-01-12T09:26:02-08:00January 12th, 2024|Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Steel Challenge Report January 2024

Steel Challenge’s Report November 2, 2023

October was a low in attendance, our regulars had other things going on, so two nights got cancelled. Hopefully we see more coming out in November. Come out and give Steel a try on Tuesday nights on Range 4, we accept everyone! 22s both rifle and pistol, centerfire pistol, and PCC too. No holster [...]

By |2023-11-03T08:44:43-07:00November 3rd, 2023|Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Steel Challenge’s Report November 2, 2023

Steel Challenge’s Report October 2023

Nights have been going good, big thanks to Bob for running the nights while Warren and I were gone to Europe. The new steel is really sounding good, much more ring to it than the old stuff. Come out and give Steel a try on Tuesday nights on Range 4, we accept everyone! 22s [...]

By |2023-10-12T20:07:26-07:00October 12th, 2023|Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Steel Challenge’s Report October 2023

Steel Challenge September 2023

Our new steel has arrived and it sure does sing! Much different than the old steel which must be work hardened to have dulled out. Big thanks to Bob Papp for all the help in the seacan with the shelves and benches, looks awesome in there now. Nice and organized! Also, big thanks to [...]

By |2023-09-07T20:03:25-07:00September 7th, 2023|Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Steel Challenge September 2023

Steel Challenge July 13, 2023

Nights have been running great this summer with plenty of new faces and the stable of regulars as well. We are waiting on some new steel and props to arrive and look forward to putting them to use. If anyone has any heavy duty shelving that they would like to donate to the club, [...]

By |2023-07-14T10:15:02-07:00July 14th, 2023|Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Steel Challenge July 13, 2023

Steel Challenge Update March 2023

Turn out has been good, with lots of bullets going downrange into the steel! We’ve run some renegade stages lately just to mix things up and people seemed to really like that, so expect to see more going forward, but official Steel Challenge will always be the mainstay of the club. Rob

By |2023-03-10T08:35:25-08:00March 10th, 2023|Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Steel Challenge Update March 2023
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