Archery has been very busy on Wednesday nights seeing new Shooters each Wednesday. We have lots of newcomers wanting to join the club as an archery only member, April 1st. This is very encouraging. Our sport is growing at a very fast rate.
This coming Sunday March 8th will be having a workbee at the club. We will be clearing the trails and setting up the 3D animals for our upcoming Chad Davis shoot.
Our next shoot will be April 10th through the 12th which marks the 20th year of the Chad Davis Memorial 3D archery competition. Campers for the weekend will be able to move your trailers in to the club 4:30 on Friday afternoon of 10th. Please be reminded that the club will be completely shut down for this archery event.
This past Wednesday Darren mulrooney and myself paid a visit to the Abbotsford Canucks house and hospice. What an amazing experience. We were able to give a donation $2,300 to this charity.
Shoot Straight
Mark Porter