While the beginning of February was very busy, the later part of the month eased off. The first three days of February all the ranges were flooded leading to closures. The next few days were spent cleaning out the muck and putting everything in order. We spent the next week trying to clear water from the Archery range and parking lot. We managed to get them dry-ish in time for the game dinner.

We worked with the game dinner committee to help get things ready.

As well as our normal routine

Members please remember to check the calendar before coming to the range. There are lots of scheduling changes coming in March. Archery Wednesday will be starting again as well as trap and multi-gun practices also range rentals. While range 2B and 3 are rented Monday to Friday, from 8 to 4, range 2 is sometimes rented as well.

When the ranges are rented there is no entrance onto the rented ranges as long as the renters have equipment of any kind on the range. If you happened to come in early and they have not yet set up, you need to leave the range immediately on request. (No snipping or complaining). This has come from the top all the way down to us. We do not want to have to lock down these ranges from 8 to 4 as this would mean no access if the renters happen to leave early.

If we all cooperate, we can all leave having had a great time.

Dan Ashton and Audrey Oxner