As a result of the Abbotsford F&G range closure, as per the Provincial Health Officer, we have cancelled all further PPC matches until the range is allowed to reopen. Once the range is reopened, we will resume our regular first Sunday of the month matches. Match cancellations include our planned nationally registered CPCA matches.
Once the range is reopened, we will advise further on how the matches will be run to accommodate any restrictions promulgated by the PHO on social distancing.
Due to the USA border closures our shooters will not be attending scheduled Washington State matches which have also been cancelled due to their range closures.
The Washington State championships and the North West Regional championships at the Hanford Nuclear site training academy normally scheduled for June are potentially being rescheduled for August.
Everyone please stay home, stay safe and stay healthy.
Russell Sorsdahl,
One year Director
For Bob Stoddart
PPC Director