Well, we finally are seeing the daffodils blooming at the clubhouse and so I guess that is a sign that winter is over and spring is on its way!!!
Thanks to all who came to the work bee and helped paint sealer on the trap house walls and paint the washrooms inside the clubhouse. We have totally remodelled the trap house and painted the walls, floors and installed a chair rail to make it a functioning building for various sub clubs who have teaching time and then use the outdoor range. It is setup in a classroom fashion with white-out boards on the wall for instructional use.
The game supper was a great success—everyone had a great time. The party went until 2:30AM and some members camped out on site to help clean up Sunday morning. Thanks to all who donated meat and to those who helped make this a fun night for all.
Will Dueck and his crew poured cement pads in the outdoor range between the shooting stalls to make it easier to clean up brass from the ground. Thanks Will and to all members for cleaning up your brass from the cement and placing it in the brass bin provided.
New security lights have been installed in the walkway to the outdoor shooting range.
We hung the deer mount (which was funded by Bill Kuehn) in the entry way stairway with a new light to accent it.
We have enjoyed the challenges that the last year has brought us. It was a pleasure working with President Mark Porter and his board. We look forward to the next year and working along with President Nathan Anderson and the newly elected executive to make our club #1.
Our membership is up from last year so it’s been very busy on the weekends and week days. The range committees are committed to see the range expansions go ahead so we can offer more time to our membership and also be able to rent these out on occasion to different organizations.
Dave and Linda Dunn