
I hope everyone had a relaxing break at Christmas. It’s been a busy winter so far with all the wind damage and then the never ending snow not to mention the flood of our creek overflowing the banks and bringing with it a hundred or more truck loads of gravel which will have to be removed. So far this winter we have spent 60+ hours ploughing snow. We had some excavation done in the shooting area stalls so we can pour cement pads out to the end of the railway ties to make it easier for the members to clean up there brass casings. We have done numerous electrical fixtures upgrades to the buildings.

We had a contractor renovate the interior of the Trap House. He put a dropT-Bar ceiling in and replaced some wallboard with new. He is also replacing the three exterior doors with 6 panel steel doors. We added new lights and installed the wall mounted heater which was donated by Derek Lee. Thanks. We have a few odds and sods to finish before it will be ready to use as a classroom.

We are currently receiving quotes for the installation of our standby generator so it will be available in case of a power blackout. Also in the works are drawings, permits and pricing to renovate the indoor range to bring it up to certifiable standards so we can rent it out 24/7. We have had a number of agencies inquiring as to indoor range time. When this is completed it will generate enough funds so we can go ahead with the outdoor range expansion, permits & costs etc.

We have purchased an LED outdoor programmable scrolling sign which has recently been installed on the building. All upcoming events and information on club activities will be announced on this sign

We’re going to call a work bee in the next couple of weeks to clean up the outdoor range (mud etc and do some general maintenance) new signage to post in the outdoor shooting stalls, and paint the trap house interior walls, and paint the two restrooms in the main building . We want to clean up the outside and get ready for the Annual Game Supper Feb 14th. Thanks to all who have donated there time over the last year.


Operations Managers

Dave & Linda Dunn