It seems to need to be addressed every 3 or 4 months, and with our light rule set at AFGC, I wished it didn’t need to be. 

  1. Do NOT touch your guns, or approach benches with guns on them during a cease fire. Doing so is not only unsafe, it is against our rules. Period. 
  2. Uncase firearms with the muzzles facing down range, and only during live fire times (red light is on), this includes bringing uncased firearms into the shooting shed. If you do not have a case, wait outside until the line goes hot (red light) carry your firearm in, muzzle down or muzzle up, and place directly on a table or on the racks (range 2 had racks).
  3. Do NOT use shotguns on our target backers, not even with slugs. This destroys our backers far too quickly. The only exception would be those testing hunting rounds at the 100yd or 100m lines. 
  4. Do NOT test staplers out on benches or posts, this can cause immense damage to other people’s firearms when they place them against or on top of those staples. 

Should a member of the board or our caretakers observe this, your membership will be revoked and you will need to come to a meeting and explain why we should let you back into the club. Safety violations of this type are not acceptable. 

As well, any member, at any time, can tell another member to stop doing things that are unsafe or against the rules. It does not matter if you are a new member, or if there is a more experienced member currently being the Range Officer. If the other member does not listen, and I hate to ask this of our membership, please try to obtain a name or membership number, or even a photo of the person, and forward that immediately to me or the caretakers. 

AFGC is successful because of our great membership, who have long supported the idea of a short list of easy to understand rules and low bureaucracy. I would really hate to have to see more rules or the need for specialized training, before one can use the range. 

It’s really very simple. 

  • Treat all guns as if they are loaded
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot
  • Don’t point at anything you are not willing to shoot/destroy 
  • Know your target and what’s beyond it. 

My direct email is, and our caretakers are 

Thank you all, 