Happy New Year everyone!
While December saw fewer club nights due to the holidays, the last session on Dec. 16 was a wonderful way to end the year with 14 shooters attending.
Maintenance has been done on all rifles and everything has now been sighted in for the upcoming year. I look forward to seeing all of you – new and regulars – on Monday nights. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for this club, please send me an email at .22club@afgc.ca.
- The only entrance to Range 1 is around the side across from the archery range. Look for the sign in the parking lot.
- There will be no club running on any holiday Mondays
- We welcome anyone interested in shooting, although we do ask that parents initially provide 1:1 supervision for anyone under 10 years old.
- The mandatory safety briefing starts sharply at 7pm.
- You do not require your PAL, as you can shoot under our supervision, so if you have friends interested in giving it a try, bring them along.
- We provide everything including eye and ear protection for all participants.
- Drop-in fees are $5 for AFGC Members and $10 for non-members.
Thank you and I’m looking forward to a great year of shooting in 2025!
Russ Smalley
.22 Club