February was a bit more quiet that has been typical, however I feel like the weather (and the short month) was mostly to blame.
I would like to formally introduce a new face that you may have seen at the club for the last few months: Jordan Miller! He’s agreed to come on as my assistant coach for the club and I hope you all congratulate him on making the formal transition. You’ll be seeing Jordan more frequently running the club and managing the range moving forward. Once he gets more comfortable with the day-to-day operation of the club, I hope to get him started on his formal coach’s training with the Coaching Association of Canada and look forward to getting another certified coach involved with the club.
- The only entrance to Range 1 is around the side across from the archery range. Look for the sign in the parking lot.
- There will be no club running on any holiday Mondays
- We welcome anyone interested in shooting, although we do ask that parents initially provide 1:1 supervision for anyone under 10 years old.
- The mandatory safety briefing starts sharply at 7pm.
- You do not require your PAL, as you can shoot under our supervision, so if you have friends interested in giving it a try, bring them along.
- We provide everything including eye and ear protection for all participants.
- Drop-in fees are $5 for AFGC Members and $10 for non-members.
Looking forward to seeing all of you out Monday nights!
Russ Smalley
.22 Club
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