Hello to all our members,

Many of you know that the main event every year is the Annual Open House, which will take place on Saturday, July 23, 2016.  It is an event that has been our tradition for many years and is designed to invite the public that live throughout the Lower Mainland to come and visit our club and have an opportunity to partake in our sport safely, whether they are interested in archery or are into shooting some of our firearms. In other words, you and our visitors get to use the tools that we use in our sport. We supply the equipment and show you how to use them safely, whether it is a firearm or a Bow.

As you probably realize, this event is huge, and therefore needs the help of our members to volunteer their time in order to ensure this event will be a huge success, and, do so in a safe manner.  We need your ideas, and also to volunteer to help out at the event itself.  I estimate that we need at lots of volunteers to make this Open House the best ever.  We also need your help in planning the event itself.  It cannot be done by one man alone, nor by just a few. This is your club and we need your involvement to make it the best there is.

There will be a number of planning meetings, and I would encourage you, please, to e-mail me at: hstaub@shaw.ca, with your contact information, if you are able and willing to help out. We will need about 100 volunteers, there is lots to do in preparation and staging this year’s Open House. By the way, those of us who want workbee credit, volunteering for this event will count.

Regards to all,
Hardy Staub
Director, and Open House Event Chair