Abbotsford Fish and Game Club is proud to offer our 2024 Post Secondary Scholarship Funds to the following recipients to encourage academic excellence and the pursuit of higher education among the membership.

3 scholarships were awarded this year for first year applicants at a value of $4,000 each and 9 students from previous years are continuing their education for scholarship amounts of $3,200 each.

Since its inception in 2018, the AFGC scholarship has contributed over $192,000 to help students with pursing their academic goals.

New Recipients

Lucas Badalucco – UBC (1st Year)

This September, I will be starting my next stage of education within the UBC Coordinated Arts Program, which will put me one step closer to fulfilling my aspirations of becoming a police officer in the future. I will be focusing my studies on psychology and sociology in hopes of gaining a better understanding of individuals in our society (and government) – skills that will prove to be vital in my career choice.

I would like to sincerely thank the AFGC for the very generous scholarship, as this financial assistance will greatly help in providing me the opportunity to fulfill my goals. I would also like to thank the AFGC for the confidence and passion that the club has inspired in me.

Colette Grenkow – Skilled Trades BC

Currently, I am in a challenging cycle of working to gain hours needed for the next level of training while simultaneously trying to secure a place in the next stage of my education. This scholarship alleviates the financial pressure, allowing me to concentrate on accumulating the required hours without the need to find a temporary job to switch between working and studying. This stability enables me to focus on honing my skills and completing my training more efficiently.

Moreover, the relief from financial stress allows me to participate more actively in extracurricular activities related to my trade and interest. Engaging in workshops, industry events, and certification programs is crucial for developing practical skills and staying updated with industry advancements. This scholarship allows me to take full advantage of these opportunities, contributing to my professional growth and enhancing my training experience.

Thank you to AFGC for this scholarship, I appreciate it very much and can’t wait to help the club with my skills!

Ricardo Issa – UBC (1st Year)

I am deeply thankful for the Abbotsford Fish and Game Club for supporting my studies at UBC with this generous scholarship. Being a member of the AFGC means more than just engaging in club activities; it’s about being part of a community that fosters family connections and personal growth. For me, it has been an integral part of my relationship with my family, enriching our bond through shared experiences and activities. The club has been a nurturing, family friendly environment, allowing us to create lasting memories and build a sense of responsibility and dedication to making a positive impact on the broader community.

In the fall of 2024, I will start my first year at UBC in Vancouver, pursuing a Bachelor of Science with the goal of attending medical school in the future. The support from AFGC means so much to me, both in terms of the confidence that comes from knowing the AFGC community believes in me and the financial assistance provided through the AFGC scholarship. This generous support alleviates many of my financial concerns, allowing me to focus fully on my studies.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

Scholarship Renewals

Jacob Badalucco – UBC (4th Year)

I would like to thank the AFGC for supporting me, once again, during my third year of studies. My third year at UBC was a very rewarding experience as I got to pursue my interest in economics after being admitted into the Vancouver School of Economics.

Furthermore, the scholarship allowed me to continue focusing on performing well in my classes which has brought me one step closer to accomplishing my goals. I now look forward to my fourth year at UBC. Thank you once again for the support!

Paige Christensen – UBC (2nd Year)

I have just completed my first year at UBC studying psychology. Although my course load was challenging, I was able to succeed in my classes due to focusing on my studies full-time. I am extremely grateful for the AFGC’s financial support for allowing me to do this, and I think it played a definite role in my success.

This past year, I found my passion for psychology and discovered that I want to pursue a Master’s degree in Counselling. This is a competitive program to get into, but with the support of this scholarship, I am grateful to be able to put my studies first which contributes to my future success.

This spring, I volunteered with Big Brothers Big Sisters as a mentor and got to lead an afterschool program to teach elementary school students about health and wellness. I plan to continue working with them next year, as it provides me with valuable experience working in my desired career path and allows me to make a positive impact.

I am excited to see what the next 3 years of my degree hold for me and plan to continue working hard towards my goal of becoming a children’s counsellor. Thank you to the AFGC for this incredible opportunity!

Lauryn Fraser – UBC (4th Year)

I am entering my fourth year at the University of British Columbia, where I am pursuing a combined major in chemistry and oceanography. My third year was filled with intensive advanced chemistry labs, which I found very educational. For the past year, I worked in a botany lab studying duckweed, allowing me to apply my interest in aquatic plants in a research setting. I am currently in the UBC Science Co-op program, where I am working for Fisheries and Oceans Canada for the next year.

I am truly grateful to the Abbotsford Fish and Game Club for their generous scholarship, without which none of this would be possible. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the club and everyone involved for this opportunity.

Sarah Klassen – UVic (3rd Year)

I’m going into my third year of my sociology degree. I am hoping to work in the government sphere and policy making within healthcare. At the moment I am working a Co-op with HEADCHECK Health which is a concussion testing software program. I do account management and customer success.

I am looking forward to this academic year and greatly appreciate the continued support of the Abbotsford Fish and Game Club.

Ashton Morrison – SFU (2nd Year)

I’ve just completed my first year at SFU and will be starting my second year this fall. I’m currently working towards a major in Computing Science, as well as a potential Math minor.

I mainly want to thank the AFGC for their generosity. It would have been difficult to only focus on my studies without their support, and I’m certain that I couldn’t have done as well as I did without it. I also want to thank them for allowing me to explore my options, as I wouldn’t have even thought about getting a minor without this scholarship.

I look forward to what the rest of my schooling will bring, thanks to the AFGC.

Gabe O’Sullivan – UFV (3rd Year)

I have now completed my second year of studies at the University of the Fraser Valley. I am working towards my Bachelor of Media Arts with a concentration in Film Studies.

The Abbotsford Fish and Game Club, specifically my time spent doing archery, played a crucial role as I was growing up. It shaped who I am today as it taught me perseverance, commitment, and collaboration. I appreciate the support the club has continued to provide through this scholarship which has eased the financial burden of my tuition.

Along with my studies, I continue to enjoy mountain biking and spending time with my family. The support provided by the Abbotsford Fish and Game Club has been a huge honour and I will continue to uphold this opportunity.

Von Pitzel – UBCO (2nd Year)

I have just recently completed my first year of engineering at UBC Okanagan and will soon be starting my second year.

I have decided to pursue a discipline in electrical engineering after completing my first year classes. I learned a broad spectrum of topics but found electrical to be what interested me most.

I’d like to thank the Abbotsford Fish and Game Club and its members for providing this opportunity to me. This scholarship greatly reduced any financial stress going into my post secondary education allowing me to focus on my studies.

Ava Van Santen – TWU (3rd Year)

I have now finished my second year at Trinity Western University as a Psychology major. I am also completing a Human Services Certificate as part of my degree program. This will provide me with the opportunity to complete three practicum placements during my degree. I am very excited to have been placed at a facility that specializes in equine therapy for the upcoming fall semester.

I continue to be a member of TWU Women’s Rugby. This season I was named a Can West First Team All-Star and the TWU Women’s Rugby Most Valuable Player. I have been selected for the Canada U20 Women’s 15s Team and will be travelling to Wales in July for international competition.  I am so excited and honoured to have this opportunity to represent my country. I was able to give back to my community by volunteering to help coach the senior girls rugby team at my former high school again this year. It is truly a privilege to be able to act as a mentor and share my passion for rugby with youth.

These experiences would not have been possible without the generosity of the Abbotsford Fish and Game Club. The AFGC Scholarship helps alleviate financial responsibilities, allowing me the ability to focus on my studies and the intense demands of student athletics. I am so grateful for the continued support of the Abbotsford Fish and Game Cub in helping me pursue my goals.

Avery Wong – UBC (4th Year)

I am now entering my fourth year at UBC, working towards my degree in Engineering Physics. Although school hasn’t gotten any easier, I have now had a lot of time to adjust to university life, which has made things feel a lot more manageable.

Over the summer I have plans to take a break from coursework to pursue a research opportunity at the Quantum Matter Institute at UBC. Here I’ll be working closely with a professor in a photonics lab to do work with laser spectroscopy, which is an opportunity I’m really looking forward to!

In addition to research, I will also be continuing my journey in IPSC handgun competition, competing in matches throughout the summer and using AFGC as a homebase for practicing and refining my handgun skills. Come August, I will be flying out to Peterborough, ON for the 2024 IPSC Canada Handgun Nationals, where I will be representing BC as a part of the provincial team.

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities AFGC has offered me both as a club and through this scholarship. This scholarship has allowed me to put my full attention into developing my skills and knowledge in both school and shooting, without having to worry about the financial burdens of each.  Thank you so much AFGC!

Congratulations! We wish you all success in your studies and years to come!

If you are interested in applying to the AFGC Post Secondary Scholarship Fund, click on the button below to get more information.