A big thank you for all who came out to the AGM. Again another great turn out!
The following members were elected into new positions:
- President: Mark Porter
- Vice-President: Mike McClelland
Newly elected to the Board as 2 year Directors for the years 2017-2019 are:
- Ian Baird
- Ray Boulton
- Branden Cotten
- Ken Cropley
- Emily Duquette
- Bob Lalonde
- Peter Turgeon
Also please welcome Shalene Talkes as our new Secretary.
Much thanks and appreciation goes out to our outgoing President, Rob Engh and Directors who have put in countless hours of volunteer time, they are:
- Jeff Maron
- Raymond Peng
- Jordan Pratt
- Hardy Staub
Please note that our first combined meeting will be held on April 6th in the Clubhouse starting at 7:30pm. All Directors as required to be there!