Wednesday night drop ins have been steady for our members. Due to the main club scheduled new member orientations we’ve not been utilizing the indoor for new shooters. We hope to be able to start this back up in September.

We’ve kept half of the 3d trail open with animal targets for Sagittarius members to enjoy. We will be closely monitoring bear activity on the mountain. If our targets become vandalized by the bears we’ll have to close and tear down the animal targets. So far the deterrent we’re using is working.

The last qualifier for the Best of the West 3d tournament will be held at Ridgedale Rod and Gun club the 12th and 13th of August. Good luck to all of the Sagittarius Archers who are placing well in this tournament. The final shoot off will be held at the PNE Agridome August 26-27.

Shoot Straight.

Mark Porter
Sagittarius Archers