We just returned last night from a 2,300 km drive back from Palm Springs to drive Dave’s sister’s truck and trailer back after her husband had a heart attack and two stints put in two of his arteries that were totally blocked. Thanks for all the work that the various sub clubs and especially Rob did while we were away.

Did monthly building cleaning and daily maintenance on all ranges and in the building.

Contacted Erling about two fluorescent light fixtures which were not working in the lobby. He replaced them.

Worked on the door closer and the lock on the outhouse fenced area in range 3-4 parking lot.

Bought two new CO detectors to replace the two which were beeping and showing an error message.

Dumped brass on all ranges.

Met with Hardy (the new workbee coordinator) who railroaded us into helping on the work bee. Linda will purchase and cook items for coffee break and lunch and Dave will drive tractor to move items around.

Went to Home Depot to get Hardy a price for a new pressure washer so he could present it at the budget meeting.

Telus was here a few different days to try to find out why our internet speed is so slow.

Met with Meyers and his girlfriend for arrangements for their upcoming wedding in May.

Purchased water pop and batteries from Costco.

Danielle started grubbing the blackberries down on the far end of our property and she mentioned that someone was shooting on range 5 while she was trying to work in the near vicinity Range 5 is only to be used if prior permission is granted by the BOD.