IPSC Practice is starting again on January 12th and we will continue on the indoor range until the end of March. As matches will be starting in April, we will probably have to move back to Thursdays on the outdoor range at that time.
I have made the difficult decision to reduce the practices to bi-weekly in the new year. This will keep me from getting burned out and allow me some time to concentrate on our upcoming Level 2 matches in June.
I would like to organize a workbee in early February and then a second one on Sunday, March 9th to correspond with the main Club’s workbee the same day. We will be doing some stage prop assembly and painting to get ready for the match in June. You do not have to be an IPSC member to come and help out. And this will count towards your workbee fee if you want to save some money on your membership for 2025/26.
If you are available, please sign up using the form below, so I can contact you with further details.
Geoff Fraser
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