You have to love it when it is a hot day outside and the indoor is so very nice and cool:)

There were five keen students at this course bringing a variety of guns; 2 CZ Shadows, of course, S&W M&P in 9mm Luger, 2 Glocks, one 9mm Luger and a .40 SW. Accuracy was at the usual acceptable levels with some better than others, very normal. All found adding some speed and distance caused accuracy deterioration but found it can come back with hard work. No big surprise there as that is how it is in all aspects of life.

With the season at about half way for 2014, these, and future class, students are looking to make the qualifiers in Nanaimo and, maybe, PG and Quesnel because that is all that is left for 2014. The exceptions are the nationals over the long weekend in August at TMSA here in Metro Van and the Provincials in Kelowna over the Sept long weekend. That pretty much wraps up 2014. I am hopeful and optimistic that 2015 will bring a return to more Metro Van qualifiers. It w/b to our Club’s advantage to start Club matches with an eye towards indoor qualifiers Dec/Jan/Feb, just sayin’ :))

The TC first priority is SAFETY while learning to shoot a wide variety of skills; freestyle, strong hand, weak hand, reloads, kneeling, prone, movement and more that students may encounter in matches.

Training Course Instructor Murray Gardner guided the class through all these skill sets and added others that commonly are required at IPSC BC qualifier matches around the Province.

Remember, once the students have successfully completed the TC, they have achieved the highest level of holster qualification there is. It is now up to them to attend not only IPSC matches but also steel, PPC, IDPA, etc. to improve on those skills learned in the class. Rob Engh can hone some of those skills at his Skills & Drills sessions as well.

Typical gear included Blade-Tech drop offset holsters, DAA Racer mag pouches and the requisite magnetic pouch for those “pick up your mags” stages found in almost all matches.

At the end of the class they shot a couple of mini stages to get the feel for what they mind find in a match. The class instruction covers a wide spectrum of shooting knowledge.

You can join this fast growing dynamic shooting sport by being a class graduate. Classes and more information can be found at

Thanks as always to Dave and Linda, our caretakers, for making range access and use a pleasure.

I look forward to having you involved.
Murray “DOC” Gardner