Well, this must be spring with all of the rain and dreary days—but things are still very busy at Abbotsford Fish and Game Club, with night time shooting on Range #3 & #4 and our many active sub clubs.

We had our AGM for the 2011-12 year and have a very strong dedicated new board who are all working very hard for you. Come to a general meeting and meet some of them and contribute to your club. You will meet new friends with like interests and gain satisfaction in volunteering some of your time.

A great big thanks to all of the many people who showed up for the last work bee- it was the best turn out ever and we got many projects completed and some others started for completion at future work bees. If you want to save yourself the $25 work bee payment on your new membership come out to 8 hours of work bee and get involved.

Dont forget about our Annual Open House on July 16th –Bring some of your friends and family to try out the different facets of AFGC from fishing in the fish pond, to archery or pistol shooting.

The range rules have been revised by Rob and the Board so take a little time to read them and refresh your memory, then come out and participate and stay safe.