Maverik’s Multigun will be having a match on April 18th at AFGC.

As usual, new and more experienced shooters are both welcomed and encouraged to come out and shoot.

This match, we will be trying something a little different. There will be 4 small-medium stages with a shoot off once all squads have completed the 4 stages. As for round count, 100 rounds for each firearm will be plenty for the 4 stages. However, bring extra for the shoot off, especially if you plan on making it to the end!

The shoot off will only be open to those that have shot the whole match and a donation of 1 box of FACTORY .223 will be required (to be split up for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishes).

We will be holding the shooters meeting at 9:45 am and start shooting shortly after 10:00 am. The match fee is $45.

Setup for up for the match on Friday, April 17th at 4pm. Please come out and lend a hand for setup.

A few reminders for match day.

  • Do not uncase firearms prior to 10:00 am
  • Firearms are to be uncased in safety areas only
  • No steel cored, cased, jacketed ammo period! If it sticks to my magnet, you aren’t shooting it.

Here is a link to the match registration.

You will be able to register using the link and match fee can be EMT to

Once you have been approved, you will be sent a link for self squadding. If you any questions please feel free to email me at

Curtis Y.
AFGC Multigun Director
Maverik’s Multigun MD