This weekends shoot is on, provided I receive enough RSVP’s. This shoot would be a morning advanced shoot only,of those qualified to run blue gun drills (Veritac alumni of the SFTP-3 or DSTO course, or other preapproved equivalent training), 0830- 1000hrs, followed by 2 hours of live fire advanced drills, wrapping up at 1200 hrs. The regular ATS day will run post 1200 hrs, duration TBD, based on number and skill level of participants.

Range 3, $20 drop in fee.

Please RSVP, if you plan on attending; please indicate AM, PM, or “Both”, in your RSVP.

Non prohib carbines/semi auto rifles or handguns, for the primary, as well as shotguns; Igor will adjust the practice profile accordingly.


Claude Murdoch
ATS Director