The first part of the month we were cleaning up ice and then removing snow. Now we are putting on our hip waders.

We put up new light fixture in kitchen/bar area, changed out ceiling tiles in Range 1 and cleaned up audio/video wires.

Refinished the door threshold in club house.

Cleaned all the bird and game mounts.

Collected and tracked door prize and meat donations for Game Dinner, as well as order requested supplies.

Picked up supplies for range 1 work bee and helped were we could. As I am sure everyone has heard there was a medical emergency during the work bee. It was very reassuring to see how well the situation was handled.

We have finally received all the supplies for the hand wash stations and the drop shelves. Once we have all the shelves lacquered we will start installing them.

Picked up shotgun plugs on all ranges as well as did some grooming on them and the parking lots.

We sent complaints to the city about the pot holes (Not sure if it will help).

As well as our normal routine

  • Backers are changes out weekly or as needed,
  • Bathrooms are checked every day and cleaned up,
  • Brass bins are being emptied twice a week or more,
  • Garbage’s and ranges are cleaned every night or more if needed,
  • Clean boardroom weekly,
  • Clean decontamination mat as required,
  • Wash range 1 floor as needed,
  • Mowing/snow removal as required.

Dan Ashton and Audrey Oxner