We spent a few days pumping water out of range 3 and the main parking lot.

Kitchen was cleaned in preparation of game dinner.

Cleaning company was in to decontaminate range 1.

Delivered meat to the caterer and help were we could with the game dinner preparations.

We finished lacquering the drop tables for ranges.

Drop tables have been installed on range 3.

The hand cleaning station has been installed on range 3.

We had a semi-annual fire suppression system inspection.

Installed decontamination mats in Range 1, we now have 3.

Cleaned Trap House.

As well as our normal routine:

  • Open for rentals
  • Backers are changes out weekly or as needed.
  • Bathrooms are checked every day and cleaned up.
  • Brass bins are being emptied twice a week or more.
  • Garbage’s and ranges are cleaned every night or more if needed.
  • Clean boardroom weekly.
  • Clean decontamination mats as required.
  • Wash range 1 floor as needed.
  • Mowing/snow removal as required.

Dan Ashton and Audrey Oxner