We seem to have a few members that do not think it is their responsibility to clean up after themselves. SHAME ON YOU, this is disrespectful to the other members who do such a great job of picking up after they are done.
Met with Joe re: Work Safe BC
Washed the clubhouse mats. Had the septic tank pumped out.
Removed & replace bridge deck behind range 3, then hauled away and disposed of the debris.
Cleaned up brush around range 5 and made a spot for ATS car, changed bolts on steel targets and added braided line to pull rope
We had to fix a couple of the drop table. Someone broke off a handle and another was slammed up so hard it bent the bracket. (Everyone try to be kind to them and they will last a long time)
As well as our normal routine
- Open for rentals
- Backers are changes out weekly or as needed.
- Bathrooms are checked every day and cleaned up
- Brass bins are being emptied twice a week or more
- Garbage’s and ranges are cleaned every night or more if needed.
- Clean boardroom weekly.
- Clean decontamination mats as required
- Wash range 1 floor as needed
- Mowing/snow removal as required
Dan Ashton and Audrey Oxner