Get informed!

The next AFGC Members Genenal Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 2, 2014.
Starts promptly at 7:30 pm.

If you would like to have a say on what happens at your club, if you have any suggestions, would like to raise a concern or just see where the club is headed in the next few years, we encourage all members to attend the club’s monthly general meeting.

Below is the agenda for the next meeting, we are excited to see our members get involved.

  1. Call to order and additions to agenda
  2. Quorum confirmed
  3. Read in Directors who have communicated that they cannot attend – Ross Sturgeon
  4. Minutes from previous meeting. Any errors or omissions?
  5. Business arising from the minutes
  6. Treasurers Report
  7. Presidents Report
  8. Committee reports
    • Membership
    • Archery
    • .22 Rifle
    • Pistol
    • PPC
    • IPSC
    • Steel Challenge
    • ATS
    • Trap
    • Cadets/Biathlon
    • Big Game
    • Fishing
    • Public Relations/Newsletter
    • Caretakers Report
  9. Old Business
    • Range 2 lockdown system
    • Update on Range 4 heaters – new timer board – funds collected to date
    • Guest passes – anything new?
    • Fence repair – completed
    • Convex mirrors – update – when will we install on range 3 gates
    • Shower curtain test – update
    • Remote access for security cameras – what’s happening here?
    • Remote Internet access for lockdown programming etc?
    • Status of Range 3 PA system mic?
    • Status report – membership computer tower?
    • Status of new monitor for bookkeeper’s computer
  10. New Business
    • Next door property sold – trespassers taking photos on our property
    • Need to take a more pro-active Public relations presence – newspapers / city events etc.
  11. Good and Welfare
  12. Adjournment