There were 5 matches during the month of May, including the PCC Nationals in Kamloops. Another 3 of these matches were classified as Level 3, which means more stages over 2 days and winners receive President’s medals from the National IPSC Body. It was great to see so many Abbotsford members wearing their new team shirts, there was certainly a wave of red and black on the ranges and on the podiums! It looks like the practices are really paying off.

The upcoming matches in June require a little more travel to the Kootenays and up north, so attendance tends to be a little lower with the rising cost of travel and hotels. Maybe we need to charter a bus to some of these matches?

Thursday night practices will continue through the month on Thursdays and I will try to keep coming up with stages that help improve our skills on long and short courses now that those are mandatory at matches.

The IPSC Subclub has booked the following days in the Fall for a training course featuring Hwansik Kim, a top practical shooter from Bellingham, Washington.

September 14 – 15, 2024
Ranges 1, 3, and 4 – 8:00AM – 10:00PM

Make sure to check your emails for the weekly registration and if you want to be put on the mailing list, email me at

Geoff Fraser
IPSC Subclub Director