This relatively small group completed the IPSC TC last weekend.

There were 3 shooters in the class using a 2 CZ Shadows, 1 SW M&P all in 9mm Luger.

All right handers and one reloader. He is a long time, and successful, F-Class rifle shooter. This pistol shooting thing challenged him and he took it on. Again, not one was an Abby member so a good chunk of Day Card fees from them.

With such a small group, Dean got the weekend off to practice for upcoming matches. Another thank you to the Caretakers for keeping the ship upright w/open doors, etc. I always appreciate their help.

These classes certify the students for holster use anywhere holsters are used. That is a great testament to the quality and trust the IPSC TC provides. The class also provides a peek into the world of IPSC and, hopefully, intrigues the students to continue on. I used to be shocked that there was a 40-60% attrition rate but have come to grips with the fact not everyone is an IPSC junky like me:))

It was obvious this group got it that the TC first priority is SAFETY while learning to shoot a wide variety of skills; freestyle, strong hand, weak hand, reloads, kneeling, prone, movement and more that students may encounter in matches.

Mike M & Rob E dropped by to chat. The students feel even more comfortable when they know there is such a solid support group behind the program. I always tell them they can hone some of their skills at Skills & Drills sessions.

Metro Van now has 9 qualifiers this year, not including Provincials, providing many opportunities to complete TC requirements. Thanks to Poco for putting on a qualifier June06.16(you DO know why that date is important in history, don’t you:) even if that date is a bit of a rush.

The first 3 matches are already full and 6 remaining are moving rapidly towards the same but there is still room to enter. Be certain to get your entry in quickly as matches are filling up fast, typical of Metro Van matches. You can always travel outside Metro Van and get a broader experience in matches as well as meeting new shooters.

IPSC Canada Nationals filled up very quickly. Bad news, good news. Bad news; filled up quickly:( Good news; with that much interest, IPSC Canada may have to start looking at more days of shooting to accommodate more entries. With the World Shoot covering 6 days and 1300 shooters or 200/day, Canada s/b able to get every Canadian and even some international shooters through an expanded match. Let’s see if that happens.

I had mentioned to some folks that with the rapid filling of matches locally, Abby may have an opportunity to help those who did not get in. My vision would be a club shoot of about 4-5 stages, 120 or so rounds. One or more indoors and 3 outdoors which would leave R#2 open for members. I think the idea has merit and will be willing to help those who take on the idea.

Students can shoot, and should, shoot steel matches before their first qualifier. TMSA has a steel match Sat Apr02.16 and then the qualifier Sun Apr03.16. Mission is starting steel matches too on the 3rd Sat of the month beginning Apr16.16. I am hoping that Abby again puts on Steel Challenge matches as steel matches are THE way newbies can ease into our great shooting games.

Another IPSC class is scheduled for Apr16/17.16. Still lots of time to stop saying, “I really want to shoot IPSC and take the course” and ACTUALLY sign up to prove it:))

You can join this fast growing dynamic shooting sport by being a class graduate. Classes and more information can be found at

I look forward to having you involved.
Murray “DOC” Gardner