The Gang's All Here

Neither rain nor sleet nor snow, yes, SNOW, stopped this class from going on. Saturday, Mother Nature threatened snow but delivered on that promise Sunday. The AFGC is the only facility in Metro Van that can actually hold an event in that type of weather and it is a wonderful boon for IPSC BC.

Nine dedicated students supervised by Rob C spent the two days qualifying to shoot IPSC. The first priority is SAFETY while learning to shoot a wide variety of skills; freestyle, strong hand, weak hand, reloads, kneeling, prone and more that students may encounter in matches.

The Wild Bunch

Training Course Instructor Murray Gardner(far left) assisted by Rob, guided the class through all these skill sets and added others that commonly are required at IPSC BC qualifier matches around the Province.

Once the students have successfully completed the TC, they have achieved the highest level of holster qualification there is. It is now up to them to attend not only IPSC matches but also steel, PPC, IDPA, etc. to improve on those skills learned in the class. Rob Engh can hone some of those skills at his Skills & Drills sessions as well.

This class consisted of 5 CZ Shadows, all who found out that their triggers CAN be made better. The rest shot Glocks in 9 Luger, .40SW and one lone .45ACP. Typical gear included Blade-Tech drop offset holsters, DAA Racer mag pouches and the requisite magnetic pouch for those “pick up your mags” stages found in almost all matches. At the end of the class they shot a few rounds through an Open Division (yes, Division, NOT Class) STI Trubor and found out what the concepts of GST (grip, sights, trigger) are about. The class instruction covers that wide a spectrum of shooting knowledge.

You can join this fast growing dynamic shooting sport by being a class graduate. Classes and more information can be found here.

Thanks as always to Dave and Linda, our caretakers, for making range access and use a pleasure.

I look forward to having you involved.
Murray “DOC” Gardner