The club held its first practice day of this season on Saturday, March 21 and despite the cold and rain had 9 people come out for the day. Approximately half of the attendees were new to the sport of multi-gun, so it provided a good introduction of how things operate, as well as learning and practicing some of the essential skills needed to participate competitively in the sport.

The first match of the season will be coming up on the 18th of this month, with a one-day match. It appears this match was highly anticipated, as competitor registration was extremely fast once it opened up, and currently has only 2 spaces still available.

The plan moving forward is to continue hold more practice days, utilizing range five for the most part, limiting the impact to membership’s use of the ranges.

Additional matches for the season are in the works and dates will be brought to the executive for approval once the details of those matches become more complete.

Mike Roed
Multi-Gun Co-Chair