Precision 22 Report:

January was a good start for Precision 22. We had our first match on January 11th, with full registration of 35 shooters. A lot of new shooters came out to try the game. With 10 stages (5x NRL sanctioned and 5 club match style), Thanks to my volunteers on the day of and my dedicated helpers. It started at 8:30ish AM and finished cleaning up by 4:00 PM. A lot of props were utilized.

We will be having our second event of the year on February 22nd @ Range 2 with the same style setup using NRL22 Feb Course of Fire and Club match stages. Registration is already full with 35 shooters, if our pre-setup night works out, we may open another 5 slots so get on the waitlist!

It is on my wish list to find sometime to run some evening skills and drills events.

Our events can be found on practiscore with the keyword “AML” or follow our instagram “AMLprecision22”.

Multigun Report:

Nothing new to report as we are still on winter break. Expect things to start around March or April once the weather improves.
