Hello from Europe!
As many of you know I am in Europe for most of the summer competing in matches every weekend, and sometimes midweek as well. So far in 10 weeks I’ve hit 13 major matches and had some practice sessions here and there. I’ve been in 12 different countries, and the ranges have been everything from massive ex military facilities to custom built for IPSC ranges and everything in between. But only a few have come close to being as beautiful as our own AFGC range, our mountains and spectacular view are unmatched around the world as far as I have seen. I have had to drop out of a few matches part way through them due to my jaw pain, but I still managed to not finish last!
To say this has been an exciting trip would be an understatement. So far I’ve been hospitalized for a back injury in France, removed from a plane in Poland (airline didn’t tag my bags for guns and customs freaked out) and of course had the same issue in the Ukraine on my way to Lithuania. But if there is one thing you can count on in our sport (IPSC) is that help will come if you ask. I’ve met so many new friends due to these problems, and been helped in ways I never thought possible. It is truly an honor to be representing AFGC and Canada at these matches with these awesome people.
While I may be gone, I am not totally absent from what is going on at the club, I am still in constant contact with the BOD and our contractors working at the club. I’ve seen a few pictures of the landscaping that The Garden Angels have done for us and it’s beautiful, I’ve also received a lot of emails and phone calls from people complimenting us on this, right up to city hall. I am really looking forward to seeing it in full bloom next year. Hopefully the lights will be working soon, and we can put that project to bed, finally. Our renovation of the main clubhouse is working its way through the final design now and hopefully we’ll be putting it tender just before or right after I get back. Claude has done a ton of work on this project, and I know he’s anxious to see it completed as well. This of course will include finishing the expansion on Range 2 with more shooting positions to line up with our new target bases. And of course we have the annual Open House coming up soon, from all the planning notes I’ve seen from Hardy this looks to be an amazing event, I wish I could be there for that. I have also been running the rentals while I’ve been traveling and I feel it’s important to let everyone know that other than existing rentals on the calendar, no new rentals will be added from now until the end of August.
If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me president@afgc.ca.
Rob Engh
AFGC President