Spring is here, although the temps would tell you otherwise at night.

Work on the clubhouse is progressing nicely and looking good upstairs, as well as in the trap house. After our meeting with the City today we are hopeful we will be seeing a BP by June 1st for the rest of the work. In order to satisfy the city we did have to give up a bit of room on Range 5 so we will be losing the far back target, which will simply be moved forward, and the berm will be moving to about 15m from the firing line. Not a huge deal, but necessary.

We will be seeing a couple hundred new members entering our club in the next month or two, so please be patient with them when you encounter them at the range, but, if need be, remind them of the rules.

Our AGM went well last month with some new rule changes coming as a result, please check the website for all details on this.
