The biggest and most Successful Work-Bee Event in our Recent History


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WOW, what a turnout. 52 of our members, new members, long time members and their families, (check out the picture of the young lady who was named the Head of the Clean-up Crew). Heck, even quite a few of our Directors and Sub Club heads showed up for our Work bee this past Saturday, June 25, 2016. And it was not just for the free Hot Dogs! It was the biggest turnout in our recent history, maybe the largest since we began. It would be great if we had such a turnout at our monthly Membership Meetings.

A big thanks also to Dave and Linda, our Caretakers, who worked hard that the materials were at hand, and obtaining the small door prizes. A special thanks to Linda who cooked up the consumables.

The job at hand was to build target backers, and we made 1000 of them in just two hours!  It was good to see the dedication, the camaraderie and fellowship that was demonstrated by all. We won’t be needing another work bee now until September.

The next project of our Club will be the Open House taking place on Saturday July 23, less than one month away. We need more volunteers; I was able to get 5 more volunteers at the work-bee, but, we need more! So please contact me at hstaub@shaw, especially if you can help out at the ranges and bring your 22’s or 9 mm firearms as the club does not own enough firearms to man all the stations. The club will supply the ammo and you will supervise and teach our visitors, lots of them young families, how to safely use them.

So please step up to the plate, and make the people of our community have a good time. Oh did I mention the Pig Roast we will have for all volunteers at the end of that day? Furthermore, it will count to your work-bee commitment.

Hardy Staub
Work-bee Coordinator and Chair of Open House