The Work Bee Team did it again!!!!

WOW, what a turnout. 39 Work-bee workers, made up of a healthy mix of new and longtime members, showed up for the Sep 30 Work-bee to build 500 Target Backers, clean out the weeds around the Air-Conditioning Unit for Range 1, and clean up the brass imbedded in the gravel in Ranges 2 to 4 to mentioned just of a few chores that needed to be taken care off. Not only did the Mom and Dad come, they brought their youngsters, young ladies and boys, who came and chipped in. And it was not just for the free Hot Dogs, or my rotten jokes, we all had fun. It was the great turnout, maybe one of the largest since we began. Would it not be great if we had such a turnout at our monthly Membership Meetings?

Big thanks also to Dan and Audrey Oxner, our new Caretakers, who helped to organize this event and worked hard that the materials were at hand, and obtaining the small door prizes.  A special thanks to Audrey who supplied the coffee and cooked up the consumables.

On behalf of our club I thank all of you for your dedication, the camaraderie and fellowship that was demonstrated by all.

Hardy Staub
Work-Bee Meister