So the club used some of the money we have brought in from matches to buy a new target for everyone to use and me to throw into some of our matches. I used it in our first 2 gun match, but here is the video from the one and only practice we have all had with it.

It’s super fun and on the Nov 10th I have a new match type starting up called “Texas Star Challenge” and the rules are below.

I will have the star set up on range #4 from 10am till 4pm on match day.

There is no traditional match fee and no sign in time, instead we will work it a little different

A run costs $2. For each run you will shoot the texas star twice and your score for the run will be those 2 runs added together

No gimmies or mulligans, so you need 2 perfect runs to do your best.

You can buy as many runs as you want though so there is no limit to how many times you try to get that perfect score.

And the best part? Cash prizes! The top shooters in production, standard, open and revolver will all take home 10% of the money brought in. The lack of a gimmie run in the scoring means that everyone has a good chance of winning, as the fastest shooter can be brought down by a slower more consistent shooter!