May continued to see a steady participation in the club and we are starting to see more new faces at the club! Thank you for spreading the word and getting more folks involved. I am going to start looking into possible competition opportunities in the area as well. If you are interested in joining a local competition team and/or have any information about local small-bore competitions, please feel free to reach out! I would love to hear from you.

Some reminders:

  • The only entrance to Range 1 is around the side across from the archery range. Look for the sign in the parking lot.
  • There will be no club running on any holiday Mondays
  • We welcome anyone interested in shooting, although we do ask that parents initially provide 1:1 supervision for anyone under 10 years old.
  • The mandatory safety briefing starts sharply at 7pm.
  • You do not require your PAL, as you can shoot under our supervision, so if you have friends interested in giving it a try, bring them along.
  • We provide everything including eye and ear protection for all participants.
  • Drop-in fees are $5 for AFGC Members and $10 for non-members.

Any questions at all, please feel free to get in touch.

Russ Smalley
.22 Club