April was a busy month for Sagittarius Archery Club. We started the month with our Chad Davis Memorial 3D Shoot. The weather was not on our side. The rain was very challenging for the shooters on the hill. Our camping numbers were down, due to the weather. Attendance was expected due to the shoot being on Easter weekend. But many archers still came out and had fun. Our banquet Saturday evening couldn’t have been better. Smoked Brisket, ribs and deep fried turkey. Madison organized an outdoor Easter egg hunt for the kids. Easton Mulrooney found the golden egg and won himself a new kids bow! Sue and Amber built an outdoor kitchen to serve out shooters hot lunch. Thank you to all the volunteers that made this special event happen. 

Wednesday night drop ins have been very busy! Last week we had a total of 40 archers. All ranges were in use!

Our next shoot is scheduled for July 8-9th with the range being shut down at 4:00pm on the 7th. This will be an official Tour Shoot for the Red Trail Archery, Best Of The West BC 3D tournament.

Shoot Straight

Mark Porter
Sagittarius Archers 