About AFGC Caretakers

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So far AFGC Caretakers has created 216 blog entries.

Caretakers Report June 2016

Building maintenance and monthly cleaning duties. Had Mastercare cleaning come to do the yearly thorough cleaning of the indoor range. Cut down blackberry bushes and mowed all lawns and weed-eated. Called First class to arrange for a wood bin to be delivered for the blown up target backers Had the contract emailed to Anthony and have the bin [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:36:31-08:00June 10th, 2016|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report June 2016

Caretakers Report May 2016

It has been a very busy time this month at the range with rentals and construction projects. We had Pest Detective come in to spray for spiders and there were webs everywhere especially over cameras and outdoor lights. We will call them back in a month to do a touch up of areas that we have seen new [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:36:28-08:00May 15th, 2016|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report May 2016

Caretakers Report April 2016

With summer coming, we have been busy with getting the lawn cutting equipment mounted on the John Deere tractor and the ride on tractor ready for the season and have been cutting grass and weedeating areas. Purchasing cleaning supplies and office supplies Arlyss hauled in 7 loads of gravel which he spread on the two parking lots and [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:36:25-08:00April 17th, 2016|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report April 2016

Caretakers Report February 2016

We just returned last night from a 2,300 km drive back from Palm Springs to drive Dave's sister's truck and trailer back after her husband had a heart attack and two stints put in two of his arteries that were totally blocked. Thanks for all the work that the various sub clubs and especially Rob did while we [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:36:23-08:00February 13th, 2016|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report February 2016

Caretakers Report January 2016

The target stands at the 100 yds. and 100 meters are now finished no more carrying out steel backer stands just take your wood backers out. Extension of concrete slabs/walls to existing concrete wall on range #2 completed. Ranges were closed for 2 days one week and 1 day the next for range construction. [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:36:17-08:00January 15th, 2016|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report January 2016

Caretakers Report December 2015

Winter has hit with all the outflow winds and shooting at the range has been busy even though it is difficult at times to keep the targets from blowing over. We had new guest fee signs and bear aware signs made and they are all installed. Showed the appraiser around the facility so he [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:36:13-08:00December 6th, 2015|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report December 2015

Caretakers Report November 2015

We have had a very busy time out at the range with rentals and sub-clubs actively using the facilities. The lawns have been mowed for the last time this year and all of the weed eating done  We did another application of roundup a few weeks ago as everything is still so green with [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:36:07-08:00November 6th, 2015|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report November 2015

Caretakers Report September 2015

This has been a summer to never forget- with the hot dry weather and the water leak and subsequent insurance claim for the modular –so far we have been displaced for over 50 days and counting The most frustrating part is the lack of internet and cell phone coverage inside the fifth wheel in the club parking lot. [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:36:04-08:00September 4th, 2015|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report September 2015

Range 2 Grass Fire

Photo Credit: Jan Karnik There was a grass fire on Range 2 this past Saturday on July 18th. Thankfully, it was able to be extinguished using the fire extinguishers and lawn watering hose. We are currently unable to determine the start of the fire, but this is a great reminder to us all [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:36:02-08:00July 21st, 2015|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Range 2 Grass Fire

Caretakers Report July 2015

It has been a very busy month with the hot weather and all of the activities held at the range. We purchased new hoses and sprinklers so that we could water the grassy area by range 2 due to the tinder dry conditions and members using that area for a smoke area when they are [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:35:58-08:00July 10th, 2015|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report July 2015


Abbotsford Fire Department came for their yearly inspection of the facility and we passed with flying colours! A week after the fire department inspection we noticed that the large “K” (kitchen) fire extinguisher was missing (it must have been taken since the inspection). We contacted Rob by email as we had a large group [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:35:56-08:00June 12th, 2015|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on CARETAKERS REPORT JUNE 2015
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