Well Folks! Sorry for the roller coaster ride leading up to this event. Call it a Christmas miracle, like many other archery clubs have said, “built it and they will come.” This is a very special shoot, one that caters not only to seasoned Archers, but also those that are just learning their new found craft.

In the next week or so we will be calling all Sagittarius Archers members. New and old. We will be looking for help loading the trailer with animals & backers, January 8th at 9:30am. January 13th starting at 4:30pm will meet at the Ag-Rec Arena to setup our venue. Half way through setup our traditional pizza dinner will be served.
Please contact Mark at bowtechy@gmail.com or Ken Cropley at 3006@gmail.com just to let us know you’re coming.
Merry Christmas Ya’ll from, Sagittarius Archers!