Range 2 One Hour Cease Fire on Wed Jan 22
Attention members, there will be a temporary cease fire on Wednesday January 22 at 6:15 pm for one hour to allow for archery access. Thank you for your cooperation.
Attention members, there will be a temporary cease fire on Wednesday January 22 at 6:15 pm for one hour to allow for archery access. Thank you for your cooperation.
Attention Members, please note that Trap is cancelled for Sunday, January 19th due to snow conditions. Thanks!
The PPC club held its first match of 2020 on January 5 with 9 shooters and a range officer in attendance. This is the start of our 38th year of PPC matches being held monthly at the club. We are looking forward to a good shooting year with the holding of 3 CPCA nationally [...]
We had an amazing Christmas charity shoot. We had Archers lined out the door! We were able to raise $2000 for the Abbotsford Canuck house. Wednesday nights have been extremely busy. Everyone is gearing up for the Indoor 3D shoot. Our next shoot is Jan 18-19. BC's Largest 3D Indoor Shoot at the Abbotsford Agri Fair [...]
December’s shoot was an abbreviated closed shoot, for the advanced ATS regulars; 6 shooters participated, with 2 of them graphically demonstrating that shooting is a perishable skill, particularly when advanced drills are incorporated! A huge “thanks” to Igor, for taking this for me, and hosting a post shoot BBQ at his place, as well! January 26 will [...]
Had about 35 people out. Around 40 prize shoots were shot. Thanks to Daryl Jantzen for running counter, Ed and Dave for clean up and Ron Edward for pulling targets. Next shoot January 19th.
Local Rivers: Fraser River: tidal and non-tidal - Portions of the Fraser open again for Trout and Steelhead. 1 Steelhead/day limit, 10 per year limit. Single barbless hooks. Trout are plentiful and day to catch - 4/day limit, single barbless hook. The Sturgeon fishery has improved with the warm days. Single barbless hooks - [...]
Attention Members, Steel Challenge on Thursday nights is now finished for the year with the holidays quickly approaching. We will be back at in starting again on Tuesday, January 7th. Thank you for making this past year so successful, we look forward to another great year of Steel ahead of us. Merry Christmas and [...]
We have had a good turnout for our IPSC Stage Practice nights. These practice sessions have been using fairly sophisticated stage setups to challenge the participants so they can discover weaknesses in their game. They can then work on those challenges and be better prepared for the upcoming season. The IPSC practice sessions are [...]
Due to rain only 2 people shot on the 18th. 2 others watched. Trap donated a turkey to the Dec 5th meeting. Dec 15th is the Turkey Shoot A win for each 6 person squad. Jan 19, 2020 is the start of the 200 Bird Trophy. Your best score each month for 8 months. [...]
Attendance at drop in sessions has been steady. We have lots of new shooters of all ages and abilities. We will be down for Christmas on December 23rd and 30th, starting up again Jan 6th. Our Beginners Rifle Course has continued to have strong attendance. We have a full range of abilities and ages. [...]
November has been very steady on Wednesday night drop in. Still seeing lots of new shooters. A lot of our archers have been putting in countless hours of last minute practice and preparation for the whitetail archery only season. We've had a few archery harvests. Will Dueck with a 4 point blacktail, Darrell Hamilton [...]