Trap is the most popular shooting sport in North America with some 60,000 shooters that shoot at 83 million clay targets per year, be it recreational or in a registered tournament. There are three segments to trapshooting -16 yard event, handicap event and doubles.

16 Yard Event: The shooter stands 16 yards from the trap house “on the 16 yard line”. The thrown targets will fly from 48 to 50 yards from the shooter, and have angles of 35 to 40 degrees. Targets are thrown at varying angles. Most angles are broken at a range of about 35 yards from the shooter.

Handicap Event: In this event, the shooter stands from 17 to 27 yards depending on the shooter’s previous scores. The better the previous scores the further back you shoot from.

Doubles Event: This event is shot from the 16-yard line but at two targets that are thrown simultaneously. The targets have an angle of 34 to 36 degrees and a distance of 44 yards. The shooter has one shot at each target “25 pair” = 50 targets

Trap shoots may be informal practice or registered events. The average shooter will break 12 – 15 targets on the first try trapshooting and gradually improve through the teens into the twenties. A perfect round is 25 broken targets.


Firearms: The most used shotgun for trap is 12 gauge with full or modified choke, with 28″ to 30″ barrel. The shotgun can be a single barrel, over under, pump, and/or autoloader.

Ammunition: Shotshells may vary slightly with shooter’s preference. The load can be 2 ¾ dram or 3 dram equivalent of powder and 1 1/8, 1 or 7/8 ounce of #7 ½, #8 or #8 ½ shot size.

Targets: Regulation targets cannot be more than 4 5/16 inches in diameter and 1 1/8 inches tall, weighing 3 ½ ounces. They are made of a composition of pitch and clay or limestone, are saucer shaped and left black or painted orange, white or lime green.


Trapshooting gets it’s name from the device that is used to throw the clay target into the air. Trap simulates the flight of a game bird flushed ahead of the shooter. In the beginning live bird were used by releasing them from holes in the ground which was covered. Trapshooting is first mentioned in an English publication titled “Sporting Magazine” in 1793.

The Sportsman club of Cincinnati, Ohio introduced trapshooting in North America in 1831. Live bird where replaced by a variety of targets made of metal, glass and other materials. A catapult was used to launch these targets. In the 1880’s, clay targets much the same as used today were first developed by George Ligowski of Cincinnati and also credited with the development of the trap throwing machine.

In 1924, Vandalia, Ohio, a suburb of Dayton, became the permanent home of the Grand (tournament) and home of Amateur Trapshooting Association. The Grand is a ten-day tournament held each August.


Trap Club practice nights costs are $7 for 25 targets. You can also purchase 12 gauge ammo at $13 a box or bring your own.

Chairman: Ron Edward
Phone: 604-792-3440

Trap Sub Club Report August 2015

Open House: We used 6 cases of targets and over 800 rounds. Thank you to Dave Dunn for fixing the main spring on the thrower after it broke; we should get a couple of spare springs. We put through 160 people at 5 shots each. Ian Baird got good at throwing hand targets while it was [...]

By |2015-09-08T10:33:43-07:00September 8th, 2015|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Sub Club Report August 2015

Trap Report June 2015

The following Trap shoots saw this number of shooters: May 8 - 4 May 15 - 5 May 17 - 11 May 21 - 4 May 28 - 5 June 4 - 7 June 21st is Club Trophy night. After some discussion, the format has changed, instead of 100 16yd. targets, it will be reduced [...]

By |2015-06-12T13:42:32-07:00June 12th, 2015|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report June 2015

Trap Report May 2015

15 shooters were out. Thanks to Al Fadden and Bill Roseboom for setting trap. So far Thursday nights have seen a varying number of shooters from 1 – 5. Remember both members and non-members are welcome to come out to trap night, get more information on the trap page here: http://abbotsfordfishandgameclub.org/category/afgc-club-reports/trap-club

By |2015-05-10T19:04:30-07:00May 10th, 2015|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report May 2015

Trap Report April 2015

We had a wet day that got wetter. 15 shooters showed up, of these 3 were new to trap. April 2nd is the first Thursday night practice, starting at 6:00 pm. This will continue until the last Thursday in August. Our next monthly shoot will be on April 19th. Come out and join us! Thanks, [...]

By |2015-04-03T11:06:46-07:00April 3rd, 2015|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report April 2015

Trap Report February 2015

This month we had 21 shooters out and Warren Danielson shot his first 25 straight. Congratulations Warren! Our next shoot is March 15, 2015 If you are interested in getting involved with the Trap Club give me a call at 604-792-3440 and we would love to see you out at practice nights. We meet every Thursday starting [...]

By |2015-03-08T18:27:47-07:00March 8th, 2015|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report February 2015

Trap Report December 2014

We had an overcast day for the shoot. It was necessary to sump trap #2 and use a small garden hose style pump in trap #1. We did 65 shoots – 20 Novice, 45 A Class, no B Class, as once the Hams and Turkeys were gone the novice's quit shooting. Thank you to: Al Fadden, [...]

By |2015-01-13T09:47:48-08:00January 13th, 2015|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report December 2014

Trap Report September 2014

We had 8 people out for our shoot. The individual trophy was won by Steve Gunston with a score of 20/25. Ron Edward won the 24 yd. handicap with 34/50. Next shoots are October 19 and November 16th, 2014.

By |2014-10-03T15:26:30-07:00October 3rd, 2014|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report September 2014

Trap Report August 2014

About 12 shooters attended the August 17th Sunday shoot. Many thanks to Bill Roseboom for setting trap after the no-show of the trap boy. We finally shot the Club Trophies, Al Fadden with 93/100 won the Singles, Rob May won Guns Down 21/25, Doubles 20/25 and Hi-Aggregate with 132/150. The 200 Bird Trophy was won by [...]

By |2014-09-05T10:07:00-07:00September 5th, 2014|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report August 2014


This is a general message to all members about a safety warning and recall notice issued for: REMINGTON MODEL 700™ AND MODEL SEVEN™ RIFLES. Please read the following article posted on the Remington website here: http://remington.com/pages/news-and-resources/safety-center/safety-warning-recall-notice-Remington-model700-modelseven.aspx Thanks and shoot safely!

By |2019-07-01T19:59:35-07:00April 21st, 2014|Trap Club|Comments Off on SAFETY WARNING AND RECALL NOTICE

Trap Report March 2014

Even in spite of the steady rain, we had 13 shooters show up. Thanks to Al Fadden for repairing a broken cord. Due to water levels it was necessary to pump out the trap, as the ground fault in the trap wiring is very sensitive to moisture power cords were run from the shooting shed. [...]

By |2014-04-04T10:04:20-07:00April 4th, 2014|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report March 2014

January 2014 Trap Report

We had nine shooters out on January 19th and our next shoot will be Sunday, February 16th. Thanks to Erling for replacing a broken plug and moving the main light switch to the outside of the Trap Office. Now non-trap users of the Trap Clubhouse do not need office access. On Tuesday, January 21st, Western [...]

By |2014-03-27T10:14:54-07:00February 7th, 2014|Trap Club|Comments Off on January 2014 Trap Report
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