August had only 1 practice event that had 10 mixed ability shooters out to play. We focused on reloads and added clay launchers to the firing line to keep things interesting.  We hold our practice nights on the 3rd Monday of the month on range 4 between 6-10pm. Look on our social media for registration info ot ask your get placed on our email list.

Our next match is this month on Sunday September 26th. We are currently holding our usual contest to name the match. Best name wins free match entry and contest closes on September 11th.  Registration will open shortly.

Since our September 20th practice night falls on Election Day there will not be a practice this month. This is your chance to have your voice heard and Flush The Turd. If you haven’t seen the latest liberal platform on guns it’s more death by 1000 cuts. They now want to limit any long gun regardless of the mag that it takes to no more than 5 rounds. That’s all PCCs, shotguns, bolt actions and even your 22. Needless to say that’s going to harm our sport significantly. So make your vote count and get out on the 20th and boot SockBoy from office.

Abby Multigun