0900 setup, med plan and four fundamental rules!
We continue to see a steady number of shooters coming out for practice with 10 taking part in this weekend’s  ATS practice.

Accuracy practice on the paper adding basic movements with transition between strong and support sides, followed by shotgun and positional shooting with side reloads until noon.

Carbine practice started in the afternoon and finished the day with advancing forward while engaging the targets and transitioning to the sidearm.

Upcoming courses this year:

October 21-22, 2023 Veritac SFTP1/2 Pistol Refresher
More info: https://shop.veritacsolutions.com/products/sftp1-refresher?variant=45931657593133

This is going to be a full course so if you are planning on taking it, register as early as possible.
Use ATS12 code to get preferred pricing.Igor Radvan ATS