About AFGC Caretakers

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So far AFGC Caretakers has created 216 blog entries.

Workbee June 14

AFGC will be holding a general duties workbee on June 14th for members. We will only be excepting 15 people max to adhere to social distancing rules. You must pre-register with Audrey to add your name to the list at caretakers@afgc.ca. You can only show up if you receive a confirmation email in return. For [...]

By |2020-05-21T12:17:51-07:00May 21st, 2020|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Workbee June 14

Caretakers Report May 2020

There is not much to report this month. Dan is still in an ongoing fight with the robins that are determined to use the ranges for nesting. I am pretty sure the robins are now stalking him. We have been supplying Jack with the information of members who have been mailing in their membership [...]

By |2020-05-03T15:07:28-07:00May 3rd, 2020|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report May 2020

Caretakers Report April 2020

First we would like to say we miss you all and hope that everyone is staying healthy and practicing their social distancing. The range is eerily quiet. We lost power and the big green storage tent during the big wind storm on March 13 & 14. The range closed on March 18 due to [...]

By |2020-04-02T09:20:11-07:00April 2nd, 2020|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report April 2020

Work Bee Report April 2020

There was a work bee on March 8th. We had 21 adults and 6 children attend. Participants resized the legs of the remaining backers. Raked and picked brass on range 2B & 3. Thank you to Jessica and her mom for their help with setting up the tables and food for lunch. We had [...]

By |2020-04-02T09:16:25-07:00April 2nd, 2020|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Work Bee Report April 2020

Caretakers Report March 2020

While the beginning of February was very busy, the later part of the month eased off. The first three days of February all the ranges were flooded leading to closures. The next few days were spent cleaning out the muck and putting everything in order. We spent the next week trying to clear water from the [...]

By |2020-03-01T10:32:53-08:00March 1st, 2020|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report March 2020

Work Bee Report March 2020

There was no work bee in February. We have a work bee scheduled for March 8 with 6 members registered. You are welcome to bring your whole family. If your children are small we will do our best to find something age appropriate. Thank you and well look forward to meeting you at the [...]

By |2020-03-01T10:30:46-08:00March 1st, 2020|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Work Bee Report March 2020

Caretakers Report February 2020

We kept busy in January with removing water at the start of the month, moving directly to snow with a couple fairly cold days. The ranges were closed for 2 days due to the storm and so we could deal with removing the snow drifts. Archery was underwater at the start and the end [...]

By |2020-02-06T08:17:37-08:00February 6th, 2020|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report February 2020

Work Bee Report February 2020

The January 12 work bee had 10 people. We worked on the storage room that is along side range 1. It was a very productive day. The next scheduled work bee is on March 8, 2020 The 2020 Work Bee dates have been posted.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                To sign up please send an email to caretakers@afgc.ca Thank [...]

By |2020-02-06T08:15:55-08:00February 6th, 2020|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Work Bee Report February 2020

Upcoming Workbee Dates

Abbotsford Fish and Game Club will be holding Workbee's on the following dates for 2022. March 13 (tentative) June 12 August 14 November 13 Come and join us for a social event and get eliminate your workbee fee for next year! For every workbee you attend you will have your name entered to win [...]

By |2022-01-14T09:00:11-08:00January 10th, 2020|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Upcoming Workbee Dates

Caretakers Report January 2020

We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! We had a busy December. The ranges were very busy over the Christmas break. There were 367 guests from Nov 30 to Dec 29, with 258 of them being here from Dec 15 to 29.  Our busiest day was Dec 29 with 44 guests. We still have [...]

By |2020-01-01T16:52:21-08:00January 1st, 2020|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report January 2020
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