Help Wanted: Caretaker Holiday Relief
We are currently looking for paid holiday relief for the Caretaker position. For more information please phone 604-316-5068.
We are currently looking for paid holiday relief for the Caretaker position. For more information please phone 604-316-5068.
All members, please note that we will be having a general maintenance Work Bee on: Saturday, February 1st, 2014 From 9am - 1pm Ranges will be opened/closed as needed. Lunch will be provided to all volunteers. We will be: Raking up the ranges Cleaning up the old reefer Burning the old wooden chairs (bring [...]
PLEASE NOTE: The work bee scheduled for Saturday, December 7th has been cancelled due to cold weather. Thanks, Caretakers.
CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER. We have a new work bee scheduled for December 7th from 9am - 2pm. We would love to see you out and giving a helping hand to support your club. Tasks will be: cleaning out the trailer behind range #2 sorting out the lights and burning the old wood chairs general [...]
A set of keys has been turned in, looks like a gun safe key and four little keys. They can be claimed by calling the caretakers at 604-316-5068.
We would love to see some new faces out to our work bee this Saturday, November 9th. We will be starting at 9:00 am and going until about 2:00 pm, or if more people show up the work will be done sooner. The plan is to remove the old railroad ties from Range 2 along [...]
May the 4th 9am to 1pm Building new target backers Raking up all rangers of garbage Sorting brass
Spring Report April 2013 Well the winter is over thank goodness. In case you haven’t noticed lately some of the half dozen or so surveillance cameras are up and running to monitor traffic on the ranges. We will be starting new membership guest cards which you will pay for in one of our two vending [...]
May 11th 9am to 1pm
The days are getting longer and that means we can play longer! Work Bees are being held every Archery Sunday (3rd Sunday of every month) to ensure that our members have a chance to get their Work Bee hours done on a regular basis, and we encourage members to come out. The next major event [...]
Well, we are well into 2012 now with all of the AFGC activities in full swing. The next large activity to happen will be our annual Game Supper to be held on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 700pm. Tickets are $25 and are available from executive members. Bring your friends and hope to see you [...]
The range is still very busy this fall, with all of the subclubs beginning a new season and membership growing each week. It has been busy behind the scenes with the recovery of approximately 1400 fry from the creek and sediment pond by Dave Harper and Kenji Miyazaki. We pumped out the sediment pond so [...]