About AFGC President

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So far AFGC President has created 129 blog entries.

BOD Position Opening: Secretary

Due to Marko's resignation we are looking for someone interested in taking on the position of secretary. This position requires attendance to both meetings each month and involves taking and preparing the meeting minutes as well as distributing them in a timely manner. The position also involves taking care of preparation of letters / [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:34:21-08:00December 9th, 2013|President's Reports|Comments Off on BOD Position Opening: Secretary

Important Notice: Range Rules

Due to a number of incidents lately we must remind all members to again read the range rules. Make sure you understand them and to be sure to check the website calendar to insure that ranges are available for use. ALL ranges currently close Wednesdays at 4pm for Archery use of the 3D trail system [...]

By |2019-07-01T20:10:57-07:00October 5th, 2013|News|Comments Off on Important Notice: Range Rules

Ladies Night Sept 19th

Civil Advantage is hosting a “Ladies Only” live fire event at the Abbotsford Fish & Game Club on Thursday September 19th. The event is designed to provide an enjoyable, safe shooting experience for ladies of all ages. No experience is necessary!! […]

By |2019-07-01T20:00:01-07:00September 6th, 2013|Newsletter Posts|Comments Off on Ladies Night Sept 19th

President’s Report

Well looks like the sunshine has finally arrived and people are taking advantage of it - I know I for one am glad to see an end to all the rain we have been getting. We had a very small turn-out yesterday at the workbee no doubt partially due to the sunshine and warm [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:34:07-08:00May 5th, 2013|President's Reports|Comments Off on President’s Report

President’s Report

Well now that we have gotten thru the first couple of meetings and things are settling in it's time to post my first report. I'd like to start off by thanking all those who have supported me so far - it's nice to have such loyal supporters and nice to hear from a few [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:34:03-08:00April 8th, 2013|President's Reports|Comments Off on President’s Report

Presidents AGM Report March 2013

I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight, if the meeting runs long, please be patient, we only do this once a year. The last two years have been an awesome ride, the club has almost tripled in members in that time, the growth is just phenomenal. With such growth comes growing pains, [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:34:00-08:00March 7th, 2013|President's Reports|Comments Off on Presidents AGM Report March 2013

Range 2 Important Notice, Closes at Dusk

Now that the fall is setting in it's important to remember that Range 2 (the 100m) is only open until the sun goes down, unless special permission is granted by the board of directors. Please ensure that no shooting takes places after the sun sets. Also please remember to clean up after yourselves, any [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:33:57-08:00September 18th, 2012|President's Reports|Comments Off on Range 2 Important Notice, Closes at Dusk

Welcome to our new website!

I very happy to say our new website is the best of any gun club or range in Canada. The guys at Digital Concepts did far more than I expected. The new colors, theme and layout are vastly superior to what we had before. Our new club calendar may take a little while to correctly [...]

By |2012-06-26T08:09:41-07:00June 26th, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Welcome to our new website!

Presidents Report – Spring 2012

Thanks to everyone who came out and attended our AGM, nice turnout which is great to see. A huge thanks to those who let their names stand for positions on the board, and of course big thanks to everyone from letting me stay on another year as President. I had hoped this year would [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:33:52-08:00April 19th, 2012|President's Reports|Comments Off on Presidents Report – Spring 2012
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