The Fraser Valley Recreational Range Club is a student run club through the University of the Fraser Valley and the Student Union Society of UFV. Our mission is to educate interested parties on the rules, regulations and safe handling of firearms, and the draw to the shooting sports.

We began the club to offer students the opportunity to experience the shooting sports for themselves and to allow students to share their experience with others who have a mutual interest. We have members involved in our club who have a great deal of experience as well as members who are entirely new to the shooting sports. No matter where you stand in terms of experience you will be a valued member of the FVRRC.

Membership will be limited to current students and Alumni. For inquiries about membership please send a message to the email below. To see what the club is currently up to, please take a look at either of our social media profiles detailed below.

Sub Club Head: Morgan Jensen

Facebook Page
Instagram Page

FVRRC Report October 2023

In the time since many of us returned to campus, our club has had 2 successful events with our last unfortunately being cancelled. With midterms now upon us we will still be hosting our October 16th range event and look forward to seeing those of you there, however we also understand that many of [...]

By |2023-10-12T20:06:23-07:00October 12th, 2023|FVRRC|Comments Off on FVRRC Report October 2023

FVRRC Report September 2023

The summer was fantastic for our club as we saw many new students and regulars which meant each event was a fun night. Now comes September and with it the new school semester. Our event on Labour Day went well and saw a first time shotgun shooter excelling on the line. Coming up this [...]

By |2023-09-07T20:00:09-07:00September 7th, 2023|FVRRC|Comments Off on FVRRC Report September 2023

FVRRC Report July 2023

Our last event was a planned shotgun night in which we went through a couple boxes of clays and had lots of fun doing it. After the event, our members met up for dinner and did a small social night which turned out to be a great time. In the month of July the FVRRC [...]

By |2023-07-07T15:27:27-07:00July 7th, 2023|FVRRC|Comments Off on FVRRC Report July 2023

FVRRS Update June 2023

Several groups of new students have been present over the past month and with the incredible weather we have been making great use of our clay thrower. Our next event will fall on June 12th and will focus on Shotguns and non-restricted rifles, with the following event taking place on June the 26th with no [...]

By |2023-06-02T09:33:13-07:00June 2nd, 2023|FVRRC|Comments Off on FVRRS Update June 2023

FVRRC Report May 2023

We have had lots of members showing up for our last several events, along with a few new faces, and lots of new and interesting firearms. We have two more range dates in May, one on the 15th, and the next on the 29th. Now that the weather will change every 5 minutes, we [...]

By |2023-05-04T21:25:43-07:00May 4th, 2023|FVRRC|Comments Off on FVRRC Report May 2023

FVRRC Report April 2023

Our first event of the month turned out to be a busy one and the nice weather certainly was a welcome change. On range we had a range of firearms from black powder to 9mm pcc’s, and our very first audible squib load which turned into a great learning moment as it was caught, and [...]

By |2023-04-07T10:48:55-07:00April 7th, 2023|FVRRC|Comments Off on FVRRC Report April 2023

FVRRC Report February 2023

Over the last month we have welcomed a few new members to our club, and I have been answering many emails from individuals with questions about PAL courses. It’s been a very refreshing new year hearing from first-year university students showing interest in our club. Our last two events had a healthy number on range, [...]

By |2023-02-09T14:30:59-08:00February 9th, 2023|FVRRC|Comments Off on FVRRC Report February 2023

FVRRC Report January 2023

After a short break for winter, the FVRRC will be back on range beginning on the 23rd of January. We would like to wish everyone a happy new year, and to our members, see you on the range with all the fun new additions to your collections.

By |2023-01-18T08:47:28-08:00January 18th, 2023|FVRRC|Comments Off on FVRRC Report January 2023

FVRRC November Report

October only had a single event as our last would have fallen on Halloween, however we had a great turnout at our event. We would like to thank one of our awesome members, Rob for bringing his stumpy steel target “Lt. Dan” to our last event as we had a ton of fun with it. [...]

By |2022-11-03T20:03:58-07:00November 3rd, 2022|FVRRC|Comments Off on FVRRC November Report

FVRRC Report October 2022

Since returning back to classes our numbers at events have remained high, and the weather has been making it easy to justify using our clay thrower. The FVRRC would like to thank the AFGC Trap club for the donation of a large number of clay pigeons which will certainly keep us stocked up for a [...]

By |2022-10-14T10:40:01-07:00October 14th, 2022|FVRRC|Comments Off on FVRRC Report October 2022

FVRRC September Update

August was a great month for us with healthy numbers at all events and incredible weather to boot. With such great weather we found many opportunities to break out the clay thrower which has been something that our membership has been asking for since the beginning of our club. This month, classes are now back [...]

By |2022-09-09T09:44:32-07:00September 9th, 2022|FVRRC|Comments Off on FVRRC September Update

FVRRC August 2022 Update

The past month has had a few excellent range days and lots of interest surrounding our trap shooting events. I’d personally like to thank everyone who attended our last range event for making sure that Alex had such a great time and one that he certainly won’t forget anytime soon. This month we have [...]

By |2022-08-05T08:13:53-07:00August 5th, 2022|FVRRC|Comments Off on FVRRC August 2022 Update
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