Steel Challenge is a pistol shooting Action Match competition shot from a stationary position at five static steel plates per stage. Competitors shoot each of the eight stages five times and add their best four times to become their stage score. The lowest score is the winner. The eight stages shot in the Steel Challenge match are Accelerator, Five to Go, Outer Limits, Pendulum, Roundabout, Showdown, Smoke & Hope and Speed Option. Each stage is unique in its design and offers a different challenge to the shooter.

Steel shooting offers a port of entry to the pistol shooting sports and is an excellent starting place for young or beginner shooters. It also provides a ‘soft’ way for those who have begun to suffer the problems associated with aging to remain involved in the shooting sports. All this provides an alternative for those who might otherwise be lost to shooting. Regardless of your shooting background or skill level, all shooters walk away smiling after shooting Steel Challenge. This competition is a level playing field for shooters of all backgrounds.

Competitors are scored based solely on the time it takes them to shoot each stage. The last target that is shot is known as the “stop plate”, which stops the timer. All primary target hits made after the stop plate has been struck, will be scored with a 3 second penalty each. The maximum time permitted for a run is 30 seconds and a competitor will be stopped and asked to reload if they reach the 30 second limit. Each competitor shoots each stage five times, with their slowest run dropped, excluding the stage Outer Limits where only four runs are shot and the top three counted. The competitor’s best four out of five runs are totaled for their stage score and the eight stage scores are added together to establish the competitor’s match score. The winner is the competitor with the lowest overall time.


Oct. 14th 2012

Hey we have a web page now! It's been a good year for steel challenge and its only getting better. We ran 4 matches this season and will run about 6 next season with some smaller fun stuff thrown in. Our weekly practice is well attended and the steel rings all night long. Here are [...]

By |2013-08-23T15:30:26-07:00September 25th, 2012|Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Oct. 14th 2012
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