Trap is the most popular shooting sport in North America with some 60,000 shooters that shoot at 83 million clay targets per year, be it recreational or in a registered tournament. There are three segments to trapshooting -16 yard event, handicap event and doubles.

16 Yard Event: The shooter stands 16 yards from the trap house “on the 16 yard line”. The thrown targets will fly from 48 to 50 yards from the shooter, and have angles of 35 to 40 degrees. Targets are thrown at varying angles. Most angles are broken at a range of about 35 yards from the shooter.

Handicap Event: In this event, the shooter stands from 17 to 27 yards depending on the shooter’s previous scores. The better the previous scores the further back you shoot from.

Doubles Event: This event is shot from the 16-yard line but at two targets that are thrown simultaneously. The targets have an angle of 34 to 36 degrees and a distance of 44 yards. The shooter has one shot at each target “25 pair” = 50 targets

Trap shoots may be informal practice or registered events. The average shooter will break 12 – 15 targets on the first try trapshooting and gradually improve through the teens into the twenties. A perfect round is 25 broken targets.


Firearms: The most used shotgun for trap is 12 gauge with full or modified choke, with 28″ to 30″ barrel. The shotgun can be a single barrel, over under, pump, and/or autoloader.

Ammunition: Shotshells may vary slightly with shooter’s preference. The load can be 2 ¾ dram or 3 dram equivalent of powder and 1 1/8, 1 or 7/8 ounce of #7 ½, #8 or #8 ½ shot size.

Targets: Regulation targets cannot be more than 4 5/16 inches in diameter and 1 1/8 inches tall, weighing 3 ½ ounces. They are made of a composition of pitch and clay or limestone, are saucer shaped and left black or painted orange, white or lime green.


Trapshooting gets it’s name from the device that is used to throw the clay target into the air. Trap simulates the flight of a game bird flushed ahead of the shooter. In the beginning live bird were used by releasing them from holes in the ground which was covered. Trapshooting is first mentioned in an English publication titled “Sporting Magazine” in 1793.

The Sportsman club of Cincinnati, Ohio introduced trapshooting in North America in 1831. Live bird where replaced by a variety of targets made of metal, glass and other materials. A catapult was used to launch these targets. In the 1880’s, clay targets much the same as used today were first developed by George Ligowski of Cincinnati and also credited with the development of the trap throwing machine.

In 1924, Vandalia, Ohio, a suburb of Dayton, became the permanent home of the Grand (tournament) and home of Amateur Trapshooting Association. The Grand is a ten-day tournament held each August.


Trap Club practice nights costs are $7 for 25 targets. You can also purchase 12 gauge ammo at $13 a box or bring your own.

Chairman: Ron Edward
Phone: 604-792-3440

Trap Report October 2021

On Sept 2 we had 11 shooters then 5, 6, 12 and 2 who left due to time and 4, the lower attendance was due to weather. On Sept 19 we had 3 people out. Sept 30 is the last Thursday night practice until 2022. Due to COVID restrictions there is no plan to [...]

By |2021-10-08T09:15:29-07:00October 8th, 2021|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report October 2021

Trap Report September 2021

We had the following turnouts for night practice Aug 5 - 7, 7, 8, 7. Good considering rain. The Sunday shoot was only 4 people.  The hydraulic lifts on the trap were replaced. Much discussion on seals down - it might leak, seals up - will dry out and not hold pressure. Original installation [...]

By |2021-09-03T08:38:05-07:00September 1st, 2021|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report September 2021

Abbotsford Trap Club – Interclub Shoot

Sunday August 1st, the Abbotsford Trap Club competed in the annual Interclub event. This year saw 4 clubs enter team Results: Ridgedale Rod and Gun Club: Team Score of 120 Mission and District Rod and Gun Club: Team Score of 115 Agassiz-Harrison Rod and Gun Club: Team Score of 105 Abbotsford Fish and Game [...]

By |2021-08-03T07:43:26-07:00August 3rd, 2021|Trap Club|Comments Off on Abbotsford Trap Club – Interclub Shoot

Trap Report July 2021

June: 10th-8 shooters 17th-6 shooters 20th-4 shooters 24th-8 shooters Starting to see some new shooters coming out. Daryl Jantzen, on behalf of the Trap Club

By |2021-07-09T09:15:25-07:00July 9th, 2021|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report July 2021

Trap Report May 2021

We Started shoots on April 22 and had 4 people.April 29: 6 ShootersMay 6: 3 ShootersMay 13: 8 ShootersMay 20: 8 ShootersMay 27: 2 ShootersTwo new shooters came out. Due to COVID restrictions we are only having club members attend the shoots at this time.Thanks,Daryl Jantzen

By |2021-05-31T12:18:45-07:00May 31st, 2021|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report May 2021

Trap Report April 2021

Trap was scheduled to commence Thursday and the third Sunday shoots on the 1st of April but has been put on hold for three weeks due to the new restrictions. Members remain optimistic and excited to attend trap events and will be back on track starting April 29th.

By |2021-04-01T09:13:25-07:00April 1st, 2021|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report April 2021

Central Okanagan Shotgun Sports Club needs your help

The Central Okanagan Sport Shooting Club was recently broken into and many items stolen - again (unfortunately this happened several years ago also). Please read the attached for a list of items which may be circulating. If you hear of anything suspicious please call the Kelowna RCMP and quote the provided case number. If [...]

By |2021-03-29T09:26:51-07:00March 29th, 2021|Trap Club|Comments Off on Central Okanagan Shotgun Sports Club needs your help

October 2020 Trap Report

The interclub shot at Agassiz on September the 13. The Abbotsford team consisted of; Greg Wesselivs 22 Daryl Jantzen 19 Dean Wohlberg 15 Ed Parsons 15 Jordy Thiessen 22 The total final score : Mission 109 Agassiz 103 Abbotsford 93 Chilliwack 83 The club had twelve people [...]

By |2020-09-25T10:23:36-07:00September 25th, 2020|Trap Club|2 Comments

Trap Report September 2020

Aug 16, 4 shooters out, temp was 35+. Next shoot Sept 20 Oct 18. Interclub at Agassiz Sept 13. Aug 6 practice night in spite of bad highway and feeder road tie ups 9 shooters out. Aug 13: 9, 16: 12. Nathan is willing to run practice night into Sept.

By |2020-09-04T08:59:27-07:00September 4th, 2020|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report September 2020

Trap Report August 2020

July 19 had meeting of Trap Club members. Ron Edward, Nathen Cole and Daryl Jantzen will be signing officers on club account. Discussion on old trap machines, retain and possibly mount on side wall or tower. Discussion refurbishment of trap gun rack - Nathen will take charge. Discussion on patterning plate - need main [...]

By |2020-08-07T09:04:23-07:00August 7th, 2020|Trap Club|2 Comments
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