Members, please note we have received the following notice from FortisBC regarding gas line work on the Lakemount Bridge.

April 13, 2022
RE: Lakemount Bridge Temporary Closure
Dear resident/business owner, this letter is to advise you of planned gas line work on the Lakemount Bridge. The work is scheduled for Wednesday April 20th starting at 08:00 am. This work will require placing a crane truck on the bridge deck to allow for permanent hanger installations.
To minimize any inconvenience, we will make every attempt to allow for timely bridge crossing access for both vehicles and pedestrians at required intervals. Any and all emergency vehicle traffic across the bridge will be managed immediately when and if situations arise.
Individual hanger installations are estimated at 15-25 minutes each.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your support in helping us to complete the remaining work on the bridge crossing gas line.
If you have any other questions or concerns, or would like to discuss the pending work to be performed, please contact me at (604) 319-5647 between 8am and 4pm Tuesdays to Fridays. Thank you for your cooperation.
Yours truly,
Brian Cameron
DSA (Distribution Service Agent)
Fraser Valley East