About AFGC Caretakers

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So far AFGC Caretakers has created 216 blog entries.

Work Bee Report June 2019

There was a special work bee called for Friday May 10 & 11 to remove and replace the backer on range one. It worked out well we managed to finish fairly early on both day. Thank you to Scott M. for the welding and to all the other volunteers. The regular May 12 work bee [...]

By |2019-05-31T09:23:40-07:00May 31st, 2019|Caretaker's Reports|2 Comments

Workbee Report May 2019

The Wednesday workbee did not have any participants in April. There will be an indoor workbee to rebuild the backstop on Friday May 10th starting at noon and going until late (so come at 7 if you can't come earlier) and then on Saturday May 11th we will start at 9 or 10 am. We [...]

By |2019-05-04T10:26:51-07:00May 3rd, 2019|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Workbee Report May 2019

Caretakers Report May 2019

April had an Archery shoot and a multi gun shoot. We would like to thank both groups for their clean-up efforts, it is greatly appreciated Range 5 received a shooting shed. Walk way paving was finished. New Port-a-potties where placed and the old ones removed. We started making a cabinet in Range 1 for [...]

By |2019-05-03T08:46:12-07:00May 3rd, 2019|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report May 2019

Caretakers Report April 2019

March was mostly cleanup & repairs, as well as the opening of Range 2B. We had a run on members breaking the drop down table handles, in some cases snapping them right off the tables. 6 handles had to be replaced in March, PLEASE if you are unsure how to put down the tables or [...]

By |2019-04-05T09:43:43-07:00April 5th, 2019|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report April 2019

Workbee Wednesdays Now Every Week!

If you are unable to attend any of the workbees on Sundays we will now be holding Workbee Wednesdays every week! Show up at the club between 4:00 pm and dusk and we will put you to work scrubbing blackberry bushes. Please make sure you wear proper clothing and footwear and bring your own gloves. [...]

By |2019-03-18T15:56:24-07:00March 18th, 2019|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Workbee Wednesdays Now Every Week!

Caretakers Report March 2019

We are not unhappy to see February end. It has been an event filled month. At the first of the month we lost power for about 12 hrs, causing the new washroom to freeze up, leading to a 5 day closure for us to get it thawed and operational, luckily with minimum repairs required. We [...]

By |2019-03-02T10:38:46-08:00March 2nd, 2019|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report March 2019

Caretakers Report February 2019

January was fairly busy. We started with finishing off the kitchen renovation. The bobcat was delivered, it works great. Archery was underwater for a couple days. We had to hook up the sump pump to remove the water. The new bathroom septic was emptied. It looks like 3 weeks will be the schedule. The removable [...]

By |2019-02-04T09:29:22-08:00February 4th, 2019|Caretaker's Reports|1 Comment

Caretakers Report January 2019

Another year has come and gone. We had a busy December. The ranges were very busy over the Christmas break with most people taking care to clean up. However we still have a few individual who are very rough with the fold down tables. One had the top torn right off. These tables work [...]

By |2019-01-02T12:03:09-08:00January 2nd, 2019|Caretaker's Reports|1 Comment

Caretakers Report December 2018

The Paving is done and looks great. The new bathroom has arrived. The final trenching for swipes and power has been completed. The utilities are still needed. If all goes right, the bathrooms should be up and running for Christmas. Mats with the AFGC logo have been put in Range 5 to show shooting [...]

By |2018-12-03T13:07:23-08:00December 3rd, 2018|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report December 2018

Caretakers Report October 2018

We were away for a week vacation and it appears that all went well. We have not received any input to the contrary. September saw the finish of the Range 2 expansion. All doors are operational as are the new red/green buttons along with the 30 second delay amber strobe. The new flag poles have [...]

By |2018-10-05T10:14:03-07:00October 5th, 2018|Caretaker's Reports|Comments Off on Caretakers Report October 2018
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